I have already written couple of posts regarding how I use my notion for managing various parts of my life. In this post I would like to show how I have created an online resume using notion that I share with my friends and recruiters.
Basically notion has a feature where you can build a notion page and generate an online link so that anyone with this link can access this page and based on the type of permission that you have set. They can also edit the page itself. Using this awesome capability of notion I have a page in that I have formatted to look just like a resume so it has all the things that you include in a resume but with little extra stuffs and it looks more fancy and cool.
You can access my resume and also duplicate it for yourself by clicking here
As you can see, I kept the structure the same as a standard resume. I have a dedicated objective section where I summarize what I am looking for and my current experience. Then there are some of my contact information as well as a few social links where people can easily find me on my other social handles. Next, we have a section called work experience, where each work experience is turned into a toggle so that depending on how much information they need, they can expand the toggles and access the details. This also requires engagement from the person, so psychologically it gives the end user a sense of control and you also show information in parts so the recruiter is not overwhelmed.
Then we have an education section which is basically all the necessary details about my educational qualification and certifications and personal projects that I have worked on. Now the personal project section is cool because here i have used the gallery of notion and it shows my projects in a beautiful grid format and since it is also a page so when some one clicks on the project a new page opens with more details regarding the project.
Honestly your creativity is the limit to how cool and beautiful you can make this. But this should get you started with building pages that you can share as a resume. Finally share this page by clicking on share on the top right corner and make sure you dont enable editing by mistake. this is it your link to resume you can share this with anyone.
Yes, the link is ugly, but it will suffice for the time being. If you want to use a custom domain, that is also possible. But I’ll save that for another day.