What I learned from TVF’s Aspirants | Aspirants Review

I think TVF’s Aspirants is one of the most awesome Indian web series I have watched in a long time. I completed 4th episode and waiting for the 5th one to come out. Last episode is going to be released on 8th of May as confirmed by TVF. This series has a very good rating on IMDb. I have also explained ending of last episode released here.

Apart from liking the excellent casts and direction of the series. There are a lot of things to learn from this series as well and here I am listing few of my learnings.

Be sure about your goals

Most of the time we are clueless about what we want and then waste time and don’t act on anything and in the end stay unhappy. So first step try to figure out what you want and the next steps gets easy. Don’t be confused be firm just like decision of Abhilash about changing his subject.

Take risks

For great things, great risks are required. So take calculated risks for your dream. Just like many UPSC aspirants who leave their job, their family and what not only to prepare for the exam with no certainty that they will become an IAS one day. And this is a risk but a risk worth taking. Not everyone has to leave everything and go to prepare for UPSC. Even taking steps in their own field is enough e.g. Switching your job for better pay and role. Exploring a business idea. Investing in a stock market. Taking a chance with relationships etc.

Make friends

Parents and teachers have a very important place in life. But role of friends in life is also a of great importance. We spend most of our young time with friends these friends are what we keep for life. Sharing things taking advice getting help or just enjoying life with a different perspective friends are needed. True Friends will fight and argue will be there to support when needed.

Falling in love can be good

abhilash and dhairya love

Falling in love can be a good thing just like Abhilash and Dhairya. There is nothing better than having a partner who supports you towards your goal. The one who understands you and takes every chance only to see you succeed such relationships are a blessing.

Be consistent

It is easy to be motivated for few days after watching a motivational video. But it is very difficult to stay motivate and do the same thing everyday. When the goals are of greater importance it gets a little easier but still every now and then you may feel unmotivated and may try to skip few days and then this days turn into weeks and then months ultimately delaying your success. Read this article about making habits and being consistent here.

So no matter what be consistent with your actions daily.

There is not always happy ending

Finally life is not a movie and you are not the hero who will always win. So it is okay to fail sometimes and somewhere but get up and try again or try another thing. If you are alive and you are breathing then there is hope. Just like our TVF aspirants who give exams again and again.

This was it folks. See you later !!

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